Who’s your all-time favorite designer?
What’s your all-time favorite design product?
These questions might seem straightforward. An invitation to a personal discussion about tastes and preferences. But could there be more behind these seemingly innocuous inquiries?
This question was posed to us by our esteemed intern, Seppe Gijsbers, who is studying marketing. At Hogeschool PXL, they’re keen on surveys, questionnaires, and market research. “Who’s your all-time favorite designer?” was Seppe’s strategically thought-out way to survey all employees at Boonen Design Studio; using this, he could create interesting and relevant content for our social media… However, this dilemma ended up paralyzing some of our Boonen Design Studio employees. And in this industry, we also need to place a high value on billable hours, you know.
Is it even possible to choose a single designer or product from a plethora of groundbreaking works and revolutionary thinkers? Whether you lean towards Achille Castiglioni, Le Corbusier, the inaugural products of Charles and Ray Eames, or perhaps Dieter Rams, and not to forget Dyson – there’s much to be said. The choice is tough, imagine the turmoil it causes for a designer or a design agency worker? Choosing means losing. And billable hours, folks!
“Choosing means losing, but every choice reveals something about you.”
The quest for a favorite forces us to reflect on the criteria we use to assign value. Is it innovation, aesthetics, societal impact, or a personal connection to the work? Perhaps the true beauty of design lies in its diversity and constant evolution. Picking a favorite might feel like limiting this richness. As if we’re pinning ourselves to a snapshot in an ever-moving field. As Michel de Montaigne would suggest, it’s in reflecting on our preferences that we come to know ourselves better, not necessarily through the choice itself.
This inquiry into design favorites invites a dialogue, not just among ourselves, but also with our inner selves. It compels us to introspect on what beauty and functionality mean to us, and how these values change over time.
So, as we grapple with the impossible task of selecting ‘the best’ or ‘favorite’… we invite you to ponder “who is your all-time favorite designer?” or “what’s your most favorite design product?” It’s not so much about what you choose, but that you choose.
And yes, perhaps no choice is perfect, but every choice reveals something about you, and we’re eager to get to know you. And for a moment, forget about the billable hours…